object DM_Language: TDM_Language OldCreateOrder = True OnCreate = CreateClick Left = 284 Top = 239 Height = 479 Width = 741 object LangCenter: TLangCenter BuiltInLang = 'English' ActiveLang = 'Chinese' Langs.Strings = ( 'English' 'Chinese') DevLangFilePath = 'c:\_Foxmail' Separator = ';;' BinHeadParams.Strings = ( 'Language=English' 'Version=' 'ExeVersionFrom=' 'ExeVersionEnd=' 'Creator=Zhang XiaoLong' 'Description=FoxMail built in Language') LangFileType = lfBinary ResStrings.Strings = ( '' '0001=[eg]' '0005=In' '0006=Out' '0007=Sent' '0008=Trash' '0009=' '0010=File open error: %d' '0011=There is not associated program to open this file' '0020=Hi, %TONAME,;;;;%CURSOR;;;;Regards,;;%FROMNAME;;%FROMADDR' '0021=Hi, %OFROMNAME,;;;;At %ODATE %OTIME you wrote:;;%QUOTES;;%C' + 'URSOR;;;;Regards,;;%FROMNAME;;%FROMADDR' '0022=Hi, %TONAME,;;;;*******This is a forward message*****;;%%TE' + 'XT;;*****End Forward*****;;;;CURSOR;;;;Regards,;;%FROMNAME;;%FRO' + 'MADDR' '0023=' '0030=%d Message(s) transfered from %s to %s' '0034=Warning' '0035=Error' '0036=Information' '0037=Confirm' '0038=No To All' '0039=Yes To All' '0040=All' '0041=Abort' '0042=Ignore' '0043=OK' '0044=Cancel' '0045=&Retry' '0046=&Help' '0047=C&lose' '0048=&Yes' '0049=&No' '0050=Can not find the searching string' '0051=Unable to resolve the server'#39#39's IP address. Make sure the n' + 'etwork is working, and the server name is correct.' '0052=Unable to connect to server. The server may be shut down.' '0053=Network operation failed.' '0054=[status: %s]' '0055=Network operation timed out.' '0060=Idle' '0061=Login' '0062=Resolving host address' '0063=Connecting' '0064=Logout' '0065=Cancel' '0066=Time out' '0067=Unknown' '0068=Retrieving message' '0069=Deleting message' '0070=Total: %d, %d rest' '0071=Send envelop info' '0072=Send message' '0073=Looking up mail host: ' '0074=Sending request' '0075=Receiving response' '0080=To' '0081=From' '0082=Name' '0083=Date' '0084=Subject' '0085=Attach' '0086=Cc' '0100=Mail directory is not set' '0101=File not exists: %s' '0102=Recipient can not be null' '0103=You must set up SMTP server first' '0104="%s" is not a valid internet email address' '0105=Mail address has not be specified' '0106=Please set up the server information first' '0107=Mailbox name "%s" already exists' '0108=Mailbox name can not be null' '0109=The time must be digit' '0110=The network time out must be digit' '0111=You can not transfer mails to encrypted mailbox' '0112=Number from 1-99 needed here' '0113=Re-enter password?' '0114=Operation Canceled' '0115=' '0116=Sending in progress, you can not compress outbox now' '0117=Not enough hard disk space.' '0118=The name "%s" <%s> already exists in address book. Do you w' + 'ant to update its email address?' '0119=Compressing %s...' '0120=%s compressed' '0121=OutLook Message(*.eml)|*.eml|Exchange Message(*.msg)|*.msg|' + 'Text File(*.txt)|*.txt|All Files(*.*)|*.*' '0122=No UUencoded part found in message' '0123=Total %d UUEncoded attachment(s) found. ;;;;%dnd: %s;;;;Sav' + 'e it?' '0124=Invalid Password' '0125=You can not repare a mailbox while sending or receiving mai' + 'ls.' '0130= alread exists.' '0131=Are you sure to replace it?' '0141=&Undo' '0142=&Redo' '0143=C&ut' '0144=&Copy' '0145=&Paste' '0146=Select &All' '0147=&Unlink' '0148=Remove &TextFormat' '0149=Pr&operties' '0150=A message is sent to: %s' '0160=Select Dictionary' '0161=Cannot find dictionary!' '0162=Cannot oepn the dictionary named: ' '0171=Important' '0172=Company' '0173=Friend' '0174=Interesting' '0175=LoveLetter' '0176=Business' '0177=Technology' '0200=Customize...' '0210=' '0220=Customize...' '0230=Styles' '0231=Bold' '0232=Italic' '0233=Underline' '0234=Fore Color' '0235=Back Color' '0236=Background Color' '0237=Align Left' '0238=Align Center' '0239=Align Right' '0240=Numbered List' '0241=Bulleted List' '0242=Insert Image' '0243=Background' '0244=Hyperlink' '0245=Table' '0246=Line' '0247=Insert Background Music' '0260=%d new messages' '0261=Mail Express' '0262=SMS' '0263=Error' '0264=Information' '0265=Warning' '0266=Clear' '0270=Default' '0271=Common' '0272=Default' '0273=Common' '0274=Default' '0275=Common' '0280=You have no SMS account yet. Register one?' '0281=You have not given SMS Server! Please refer to your vender.' '0290=You have received a new message from foxmail.com.cn!' '0300=Socks authentication response error.' '0301=Socks authentication method error.' '0302=Socks authentication Username/Password response error.' '0303=Socks authentication Username/Password failed.' '0304=Socks connection response error.' '0305=Request rejected or failed.' '0306=Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.' '0307=Request rejected because the client program and ident repor' + 't different user-ids.' '0308=Unknown socks error.' '0309=General SOCKS server failure.' '0310=Connection not allowed by ruleset.' '0311=Network unreachable.' '0312=Host unreachable.' '0313=Connection refused.' '0314=TTL expired.' '0315=Command not supported.' '0316=Address type not supported.' '0317=Unknown socks error.' '0320=The message sender has requested a response to indicate tha' + 't you have read this message. Would you like to send a receipt?' '0321=Read: ' '0322=This is a receipt for the mail you sent to:' '0323=The original subject is:' '0324=This receipt verifies that the message has been displayed o' + 'n the recipient'#39's computer at' '0330=You have not set DNS server! Please see section "E-mail Exp' + 'ress" in Help.') OnGetLangFileName = LangCenterGetLangFileName Left = 24 Top = 16 end object IL_TB24_Normal: TZImageList Height = 24 Width = 24 Left = 376 Top = 16 end object IL_TB24_Hot: TZImageList Height = 24 Width = 24 Left = 376 Top = 80 end object IL_TB24_Gray: TZImageList Height = 24 Width = 24 Left = 376 Top = 144 end object IL_TB16_Normal: TZImageList Left = 456 Top = 16 end object IL_TB16_Hot: TZImageList Left = 456 Top = 80 end object IL_TB16_Gray: TZImageList Left = 456 Top = 144 end object IL_AddressList: TZImageList Left = 296 Top = 80 end object IL_BigHead: TZImageList Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 296 Top = 16 end object IL_MainFace: TZImageList Left = 296 Top = 152 end object IL_AccountTree: TZImageList Left = 208 Top = 16 end object IL_MailList_14x14: TZImageList Height = 14 Width = 14 Left = 208 Top = 80 end object IL_MailList_16x14: TZImageList Height = 14 Left = 208 Top = 136 end end